Home Page

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!


Your teacher for this year will be Miss Burton. You will also be supported by Mrs Pettigrew. 


Our topics for this year (2019-2020) are:


Autumn: WWI: Britain's Greatest Moment in History?


Spring: What A Wonderful World:  But For How Long?


Summer: Ancient Greece: How has it affected our lives today?



Home Learning w/c 20th July

Home Learning - week commencing 15th June

Home Learning Projects (Week Commencing 8th June)

Home Learning Projects (Week commencing 1st June)

Home Learning

As stated in a recent school letter home, while the current advice is to remain open and continue with the education of our young people, the academy has been putting in place contingency plans. Part of this is providing parents and carers with resources for home learning to take place. Please keep checking this section of the class page, as well as Dojo's and other usual channels, for further information.
