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English at Hopton

At Hopton CE Primary Academy we aim to inspire our pupils to get lost in reading and express themselves through writing. As a school, our goal is to enable learners to be confident in their phonic knowledge which will allow their reading to progress year by year. In addition to this, we strive for pupils to develop a love of books and reading. In conjunction with reading, we facilitate a curriculum which enables our writers to express themselves through words in different subjects and challenges pupils to extend their ideas through self and peer editing. Our school's ambition is to not only fuel a love for the English language but to prepare our students for their next stage of learning after they leave our school.

Vocabulary Terminology Glossary for Parents/Carers

Powerful video about the difference Reading each day can make.

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Please find some useful documents about English.

Phonics Video

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This video shows you the sounds that we teach in Phonics.