Home Page

Welcome from the Head

I would like to warmly welcome you to our happy school, on behalf of myself, staff and governors!


I hope that our website will provide you with a useful and informative picture of our school, whether you are a current parent looking for information or a new parent seeking the right school for your child.  Our school prospectus will give you a ‘snapshot’ of life here at Hopton Church of England Primary Academy, as well as providing more detailed information as you need it.


We are proud to be a Church of England School as we nurture the children, through a strong Christian ethos, promoting key values in all areas of school life. This is enhanced through our close partnership with our village church and minister.

Whilst recognising the uniqueness of the Christian faith, we welcome all children regardless of parents’ belief.

Our priority is to offer a safe and stimulating learning environment, where our children are happy and enjoy their learning. 


We are a smaller than average primary school, which prides itself on the care, well-being and education of every child. We currently have 186 children on roll, supported by 30 dedicated members of staff. Our team works hard to provide every child with the opportunity to achieve his or her full potential.


We are fortunate to have a very supportive Governing Body, which is keen to work with us to challenge and support the school as we move forward. We are also fortunate to have a pro-active Parent Teacher Association ( a partnership of parents and teachers) which raises funds for ‘special extras’ for the children, as well as organising a variety of social events, which you can enjoy as a family.


The monthly newsletter, available on this site, is a good way to keep up to date with events in school, to find out what is coming up and discover how you can be actively involved in your children’s learning! The classes section gives information on what each class is learning and tips for helping at home.


Please do not hesitate to contact school if you require any further information and I look forward to working with you to provide our children with the best possible opportunities to blossom.


                                                                             Miss Kellie Egleton


