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Welcome to our Reception Class page


The Reception team are:

Class Teacher: Mrs Howard

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Baker


Here at Hopton C.E Primary Academy, we provide a safe environment in which children can experiment, explore and progress in their own creative ways.
The intent of our EYFS curriculum is to ensure our children develop the necessary skills, knowledge and attitude to achieve fulfilling lives. The EYFS is the start of our children’s school journey towards achieving this important purpose. We teach using a varied curriculum whilst following children’s interests.


Our topics this year are:

Autumn: All about me/Terrific Tales

Spring: Amazing animals/Come outside

Summer: Ticket to ride/Fun at the seaside



Here are some ideas of some games that you can play with your children at home to help them with their phonics. They can be adapted to whether they are at phase 2 or phase 3. 

Apps and computer games that be used to help with phonics

#helloyellow We looked very bright and sunny in our yellow clothes and thought about what makes us feel happy for Youth Mental Heath and well-being day. We danced which made us smile and made superhero badges using pictures of things that make us smile. We also made sooth boxes to take home to put our precious things in. Lastly we squiggled while we wiggled to create a colourful masterpiece (we were also make our gross motor skills stronger)

We spent the afternoon in the nature area, embedding our learning but also exploring the area. We used our creativity to make leaf rubbing and bark rubbing to look at the detail of nature a little further

The rain was torrential but that didn't stop us from continuing our learning as we turned into leaf detectives. We practiced the new vocabulary that we had learnt to describe leaves and used classification cards to match with the tree that they had fallen from.

While the sun was shining, we took our learning outside to experience Autumn first hand and collect and sort leaves that had fallen to the ground

We practiced listening to instructions whilst improving our gross motor skills by having lot of fun with the parachutes

What better way to get to know each other but round a table drawing and talking about what is special to us <3

Reception spent their first week in school exploring both their inside and outdoor classroom while learning the new school routines
