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School Vision For Computing


Through our curriculum we aim to: 

  • Inspire and motivate the children to learn about technology
  • To develop the skills, knowledge and understanding needed for today’s digital world
  • To provide opportunities for peer learning
  • Enable children to understand the technology which exists today
  • To support children to use social media safely and responsibly


Our vision is to embed computing in as many learning opportunities as possible. This will provide our children with the concrete experiences of when and how they can use digital media in different aspects of their lives. Through stimulating and challenging experiences children will continue to develop their love for learning and become confident and independent users of a range of software and hardware.


In the ever changing digital world we aim to provide all children with not only the skills to use the technology which exists today but also the lifelong thinking skills and passion to continue to develop their love for computing through secondary school and beyond.


At Hopton we promote digital citizenship through modelling how social media should be used responsibly with a strong focus on creating a good digital footprint. Our facebook page demonstrates to the children how to positively use the internet to share joy and appropriate information.


Internet Safety

The internet is essential in the 21st century life for education, social and business interaction. As children progress through the school their access to various types of technology increases and it stands to reason that their exploration and curiosity increases too. The positives of the digital world overwhelmingly outweigh the negatives, however children, schools and parents all need to be aware of various online risks. Alongside the embedding of e-safety in our curriculum, every year we partake in safer internet day. Which is a global event exploring the importance of creating a safer internet environment together. At Hopton we value the involvement of the whole school community for such an event and as such involve parents and carers in an e-safety meeting and hold, classroom based whole school activities.



Computing progression map

Computing endpoints, domains of knowledge and key concepts

Computing National Primary Curriculum
