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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

This year your child will be taught by...

Teacher - Mrs Moore

Teaching support - Mrs Clements

Key Worker - Mrs Carroll

We are so excited to be teaching your children this year!

Our topics this year are :-

Autumn - recovery curriculum and superheroes

Spring - coastlines

Summer - Memory box

Celebrating Pride

This half term year 2 enhanced their learning on toys from the past with a virtual Time and Tide experience! We dressed up as Victorians for the day and made some of our own toys! 

We loved maths/art day and solved maths challenges, used pastels, water colours and sewed some puppets!

RSHE - looking at baby pictures to see how we have already changed and grown.

RE knowledge organiser for Summer 1 and 2

This week we have been learning how to measure in m and cm so we challenged ourselves to measure the playground using meter sticks!

Science and RE knowledge organisers

English India unit - We loved making tea from Indian tea leaves.

Summer topic web

We loved making christingles and joining the service.

The class have loved learning about the Winnie Mabaso Foundation orphanage in South Africa. We sent them some Christmas messages and were thrilled to get a thank you picture back!

So many fantastic dojo celebrations this half term!!

The children had a surprise visit from Edith Cavell! They enjoyed asking her lots of questions about her life.

Edith Cavell

We learnt about Diwali this week and made some colourful lanterns

Anti bullying week

To start our year in year 2 we had weekly KS1 challenges. We especially enjoyed the egg drop and kite flying challenges. Well done for some amazing team work.smiley

We explored the Joy of Not Knowing Things and found out that when we get stuck is when the learning starts! We designed our own learning pits learned strategies to escape them.
The children loved our week on brainwaves! We learnt all about how our brains work and the connections our neurons make. We worked out that knowledge and learning equal learning!