Classroom Teacher: Mrs Farrell
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Pettigrew (T/W/Th)
Here you can find lots of information about Year Five as well as keeping up to date with all of the exciting things that we get up to throughout the school year.
Please check our Class Dojo page to keep up-to-date with all our latest adventures.
Our topic 'Big Questions' this year are:
Autumn – World War Two: Britain’s greatest moment in history?
Spring – Our Wonderful World: But for how long?
Summer – How has ancient Greece affected our modern world?
Year 5 have started their new English topic: Newspaper reports. They will be creating a piece of writing based around a twisted fairy tale. They all really got into the role of newspaper reporters, and have created a fabulous report on Golidlocks. Year 5 had to think carefully about the words choices they would need to use.
Year 5 have started their new topic "Our Wonderful World....But For How Long?" They started their topic by creating a scene from our local environment. They are using the medium of chalk pastels and, so far, they have explored the different stroke techniques to use with the pastels and they have attempted to sketch our church ruins. Fabulous work from all the children!
Year 5 have been exploring the big question: What does it mean if God is loving and holy? They started the topic by designing their own god and thinking about the qualities and powers that god should have. They then discussed what qualities and powers the Christian God has. They created a word art using the words they had used to describe God.
Year 5 have been exploring the topic of electricity. They have been challenged to create working simple circuits, they have explored how to create diagrams for electrical circuits and they have started to explore the effect of voltage on a bulb.
A huge welcome back for the team here at Hopton. We hope that you have all had a restful half term and are ready to start our new topics.
Year 5, had a great time finishing their topic work; they created a presentation about a significant individual from World War II discussing what their life was like and what they did in the war.
Year 5 worked incredibly hard on Friday 14th January to look at our value of Thankfulness. They came up with a list of everything they are thankful for and then they chose the ideas most important to them as a class and put it together into a poem.
Well done Year 5!
Year 5 were given the challenge to find as many caterpillars as they could in our outdoor area. They had great fun organising the caterpillars by colour and using their statistical knowledge of tallys to count their totals. They were then challenged to create a chart to visually show which colour caterpillar they found the most of. The children were able to think about and answer the questions "Why did you find more red and blue caterpillars over any other colour?" Why did you not find any brown caterpillars?".
Year 5 had a great start to their Earth and Space topic today! Our big question is "What moves in our solar system and how do we know?"
They had to go and explore an alien crash landing in the nature area. They observed closely to gather clues and then had to conclude what planet the aliens were from.
Year 5 throughly enjoyed their day exploring the values of our school: Compassion, Aspirations, Respect, Equality/Equity (#CARE). They started the day looking at equality and equity with a sweetie grab game. They had to measure the size of their hands and decide who was going to grab the sweets to get the largest amount. They thought they had a shot at winning against Mrs Farrell until I told them the rules!
1. Mrs Farrell was allowed to use spread fingers and two hands to grab the sweets.
2. Girls were allowed to use two hands, but their fingers must be together.
3. Boys were allowed to use one hand, but their fingers must be together.
The children were OUTRANGED by these rules and had to come up with a stronger set that would show equality and equity.