Classroom Teacher: Mrs Moore
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Halladay (M/T/W/Th)
Here you can find lots of information about Year Two as well as keeping up to date with all of the exciting things that we get up to throughout the school year.
Please check our Class Dojo page to keep up-to-date with all our latest adventures.
Our topic 'Big Questions' this year are:
Autumn – Plots, poppies and puddings
Spring – Castles - Where is the best place to build a castle and why.
Summer – Would a dinosaur make a good pet?
During topic we have loved trying to answer the question of 'Where is the best place to build a castle?' We made castles, we made shields, we used a compass to find some treasure and have learnt all about the different roles people played in a castle and how they lived. This week we designed our own 3D map and unanimously decided the best place to build a castle was on a hill so it was easier to defend from invaders!
We experienced a fabulous values day where we explored the parable of the lost sheep.
We loved visiting the beach for our first beach school session! The sun was shining and we worked collaboratively to make beach sculptures and beach art.