Home Page

Year 2

Welcome back for another fantastic year at Hopton!


Your class teacher is Mrs Farrell, your teaching assistant is Mrs Allen and our key worker is Mrs loud.


If you have any concerns, or questions, about your child or their learning I am always available for a quick chat on the door in the morning, or a longer meeting after school. Just come and see me, or message me on class dojos.


It is wonderful getting to know you and your children, and I hope they are excited for the rest of the year.

Our Topics for this year are :-


Autumn  - Plots, poppies and puddings

Spring - Castles

Summer  - Dinosaurs

Home Learning

As stated in a recent school letter home, while the current advice is to remain open and continue with the education of our young people, the academy has been putting in place contingency plans. Part of this is providing parents and carers with resources for home learning to take place. Please keep checking this section of the class page, as well as Dojo's and other usual channels, for further information.

Home Learning w/c 20th July

Home Learning W.C 29.6.20

Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Thursday 21st May 2020

Wednesday 20th May 2020

Tuesday 19th May 2020

Monday 18th May 2020

Wednesday 13th May 2020

Tuesday 12th May 2020

Friday 8th May 2020

Tuesday 5th May 2020

Thursday 23rd April 2020

Tuesday 21st April 2020

Monday 20th April 2020

Good morning everyone, I hope you have all had a fantastic Easter holiday and managed to enjoy some of the sunshine! Please find the home learning below. 


Tuesday 31st March 2020

Monday 30th March 2020

Friday 27th March 2020

Thursday 26th Match 2020

Wednesday 25th March 2020


Good Morning,


Please find one Maths, one English and two Topic lessons below for your child to complete at home tomorrow. There are extra sessions attached if you want to complete them. If you have any questions with regards to the work, please send me a message on Dojo and I will endeavour to reply to you as soon as possible.


Thank you

Mrs Farrell


The spelling rule the children will be learning this week is when adding the suffix -er and -est to words with a short vowel, double the last consonant and add the suffix. 


Spell the following jumping red words with your child: ask, bath, call, caught, child, children.


Practise spelling the root word and adding the suffixes -er and -est:

sad --> sadder --> saddest

big --> bigger --> biggest

mad --> madder --> maddest

glad --> gladder --> gladdest

fit --> fitter --> fittest


Give your child a dictated sentence they have to write in their book. They will need to check it for grammatical errors (e.g. did they forget the capital letter? The full-stop?).

Here is an example of one:


The knight was sad, the princess was sadder, but the dragon was the saddest because it hadn’t asked if it could visit the palace.



The children need to have a go at writing their first attempt of their ‘Woolly Saucepan’ poem. When writing their poem in their book, they should leave a line between each written line, so they can go back and make editing changes, such as adding in extra adjectives, changing spellings, changing vocabulary. All the changes should be written in the editing line. The children are used to doing this, it will just be a question of reminding them.


The children need to be introduced to the term ‘product’ as the result of multiplication. Looking at the provided pictures discuss with your child the ‘total number of groups’ and ‘how many are in each group’ and the total is the ‘product’. For example:

There are 8 groups of shoes. There are 2 shoes in each group. The product of 8 x 2 is 16.

Guided Reading


Have your child read the chosen text to you again. Using the probing question sheet that was in your hand out (if you don’t have one just message me and I will send it to you on class dojo), question your child about what they are reading. Where does the story take place? Who are the main characters? What type of text is this? Fiction or non-fiction? Why? Why did the character do …?



It looks like Spring is well and truly here with all this lovely sunshine! Mini beasts are starting to appear as well! Let your child have a go at drawing some ladybirds. I have attached the step by step tutorial. Can they try the butterfly and frog? Can they put it all together into a scene?


The children have been looking at throwing and catching skills. Can you have a go at completing the attached card? 

Tuesday 24th March 2020


Good Morning,


Please find one Maths, one English and two Topic lessons below for your child to complete at home tomorrow. There are extra sessions attached if you want to complete them. If you have any questions with regards to the work, please send me a message on Dojo and I will endeavour to reply to you as soon as possible.


Thank you

Mrs Farrell



The focus today is spelling! Say the word you want the child to spell, put it into a sentence, and then repeat the word.

For example, "Your word is ask. Mrs Farrell would like to ask you a question. The word is ask."


Remember the spelling rule the children will be learning this week is: when adding the suffix -er and -est to words with a short vowel, double the last consonant and add the suffix. 


Spell the following jumping red words with your child: ask, bath, call, caught, child, children.


Practise spelling the root word and adding the suffixes -er and -est:

sad --> sadder --> saddest

big --> bigger --> biggest

mad --> madder --> maddest

glad --> gladder --> gladdest

fit --> fitter --> fittest


The grammar activity this week, relating to the Woolly Saucepan poem, is to use contracted words. The children need to re-write the words below getting rid of the finger space and using an apostrophe to replace a letter(s). Remember some root words will change. For example, do not à donot à don’t or will not à willnot à won’t.


Do not

Can not

Will not

Should not

Could have

Would have

He is

She is


Can you pick three contracted words of your choice and put them into sentences?



The children have been learning about multiplication using arrays. Can you write a multiplication sentence for these repeated addition calculations? Draw an array to help you.


5 + 5 + 5 + 5 =

2 + 2 + 2 =

10 + 10 =

3 + 3 + 3 + 3 =

1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 =

0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 =

Guided Reading


Have your child underline, or colour in, any words they don’t know on the text you introduced on Monday. Using a dictionary have your child find the definition of the word, copy it down and then put it into a new context.



Look at a map of the UK. Find the borders and label England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Can you label all the capital cities? Can you have a look at the seas that surround the UK and label them? Can you find and label East Anglia?

I have attached a blank map if you need it. If you are feeling artistic you could have a go at drawing the map outside using chalk, or just drawing it in your book.


The children have been looking at throwing and catching skills. Can you have a go at completing the attached card?

Monday 23rd March 2020


Please find one Maths, one English and two Topic lessons below for your child to complete at home tomorrow. There are extra sessions attached if you want to complete them. If you have any questions with regards to the work, please send me a message on Dojo and I will endeavour to reply to you as soon as possible.



The spelling rule the children will be learning this week is when adding the suffix -er and -est to words with a short vowel, double the last consonant and add the suffix. 


Read the following jumping red words with your child: ask, bath, call, caught, child, children.

Practise spelling the root word and adding the suffixes -er and -est:

sad --> sadder --> saddest

big --> bigger --> biggest

mad --> madder --> maddest

glad --> gladder --> gladdest

fit --> fitter --> fittest


The children have been exploring poetry recently. They were looking at Michael Rosen's 'Woolly Saucepan'. For today's learning have some fun and have your child record different objects with the incorrect material. For example, a glass chair; a stone window-pane; a jelly book etc.

Encourage your child to write each one on a new line to reinforce the verse structure (3 objects per verse) and to start each sentence with a. I have written the poem below so you can see the poem structure.


Woolly Saucepan

by Michael Rosen


Could I have

a woolly saucepan

a metal jumper

a glass chair

and a wooden window-pane



Er - sorry I mean

a woolly chair

a glass jumper

a wooden saucepan

and a metal window-pane 



Er - sorry I mean

Oh - blow it!

You know what I mean

don't you?


The children have been learning about multiplication using arrays. Have your child draw arrays in their book for the following multiplication calculations. To challenge them further can they write down all calculations for the array (multiplication and repeated addition)?


8 x 5 =

3 x 10 =

6 x 2 =

5 x 5 =

9 x 2 =

0 x 10 =

Guided Reading

Please have your child read one of the provided texts to you. Encourage your child to use their phonics to sound out unknown words. Have your child underline, or circle, 5 words that they would like to find the meaning of for the vocabulary activity on Tuesday.


The children have been learning about the usefulness of materials this half term. You can ask them all about the paper spoon! At any point this week have a go at the activity below.


1. Go through your toy box and sort the toys based on their materials or properties of materials. Draw a Venn diagram in your home learning book, label the circles and draw/write the toys in the correct circle.


Physical Education is important for physical, emotional and mental health. The children recently took part in a skipping challenge for Sport’s Relief. Have your child see how many skips they can do in 2 minutes. Can they beat it on the next two minutes? Alternatively, you can watch P.E with Joe on Youtube.

Welcome back!


A huge welcome back to all children for another fantastic term at Hopton Primary Academy! The children have been so excited to start their new topics. 

In science the children have the big question of 'What would happen if every material was flexible?' They had to help Mrs Farrell sort out the jumbled up material labels around the school.

In topic, the children were given the challenge to create their own castle! This is a work in progress, but the children have enjoyed explaining the features they are adding and they are very proud of their design so far.

Dojo Reward


This half term the children voted to have a slime party for their reward for getting to 1,000 dojos! Sadly I could not find all the slime ingredients in time, so we had an oobleck party instead! The children had so much fun mixing the flour and water, and experimenting with what happened when they changed the ratio of water and flour. 



The children have been learning 'How do festivals bring communities together?' in Religious Education. They have explored the story of Rama and Sita, and they have discussed how Diwali is a festival of light. The children had great fun getting their hands mucky by using clay to make a candle holder for a Diwali celebration.

Armistice Day


In topic, the children have been discussing events from the past and how those events have impacted on our lives. The children have had a wonderful discussion about Armistice Day: why we remember the events and how we commemorate the events. The children gave reasons why we use poppies as an icon and made reference to the poem 'The Inquisitive Mind of a Child'.

The children were then given sponges and cotton buds and they have created some beautiful scenes of poppy fields.

Why not try to recreated the pictures at home?



What would you need to survive on Mars?


This half term the children have kicked off their new science topic by looking at healthy eating. They were provided with tooth picks, fruit and vegetables and they had to create a sculpture. All the children had a fantastic time, and we even had some brave ones try some celery! 

The children have started to have discussions about what they would take to Mars. We have really started to question what is a 'need' and what is a 'want'. The children have been able to sort picture cards out into what they would need to live and what would make life easier. The children have worked out for themselves that they will need: air, water, healthy food, shelter and sleep.



With the upcoming beach school, the coastguard has visited the children at school to talk about how to stay safe at the beach. The children shared some of their experiences when they had something scary happen to them and they had some really thoughtful comments about what they could do differently next time. The children are very excited for the start of beach school!


Den Building


A huge thank you to all parents who helped to donate boxes for the children to use today, they have had a blast! It has been such a wonderful activity for them to really problem solve, work together and see how their knowledge can be applied to real life situations. The children have now started to ask for a class hedgehog!





The children have started their new topic of poetry this week. They are continuing to look at expanded noun phrases, and they will explore acrostic poems. They had great fun on Thursday using their senses to explore different objects and develop their adjectives. I don't think any of them liked the smell of coffee!



This week the children have been looking at how to partition a number into its tens and ones using resources, and how to partition a number in different ways by moving the tens rods. 

Maths - Fluency to 20


The children have been securing their knowledge of numbers up to 20. They have used a blank number line, where only the initial and end interval were given, to order numbers.

The children have used the < > and = signs and the vocabulary less than, greater than and equal to, to compare numbers and we have looked closely at what equivalence actually means.
The children have finished this unit by exploring regrouping to ten as a way of solving number problems.

English - Narrative


In English, the children have been learning the story of Vlad and the Great Fire of London. They have been very interested in finding out about what started the fire, how the people dealt with the fire and how Vlad gave people the plague!

The children have sequenced the events into a story mountain and narrated what happened in the story and they have created a story map of a condensed version of Vlad and the Great Fire of London. The picture is just below, why don't you see if your child can act it out for you?


JONK - The Joy of Not Knowing!


This week the children have been introduced to philosophical learning. They have explored our Hopton Powers for Learning, celebrated making mistakes and discussing the fact that they have to go into a learning pit to learn, and they have thought about what learning looks like to them. Some children thought it was a mountain you had to climb, others suggested a swimming pool, where you can just dip your toe in if you're not sure! The children have all worked hard on their listening skills and collaborative work! They competed the challenge to make a table and chairs using cubes, where the chair had to fit under the table.
