As Hopton Church of England Primary is an academy which is part of the Diocese of Norwich Education and Academies Trust (DNEAT) Multi-academy Trust, legal responsibility for the schools lies with DNEAT. It is governed by the Directors, who rely on advice and support from the Local Governing Board (LGB). The Directors are the charity trustees and responsible for the general control and management of the administration of the Company in accordance with the provisions set out in the Articles of Association of the Company. Further information regarding the structure of governance within DNEAT can be found on the DNEAT Website.
A message from Emma Plane, Chair of Governors:
Welcome to Hopton Church of England Primary Academy. Governance at Hopton Primary Academy is the joint responsibility of the Diocese of Norwich Education and Academies Trust (DNEAT) and the Local Governing Board (LGB).
School governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools. They ensure that there is a broad and balanced curriculum offer for the children, which is relevant and engaging.
Each individual governor is a member of the governing board. Individual governors may not act independently of the rest of the governing board and decisions are the joint responsibility of the governing board. Whilst many decisions are down to the DNEAT Trust Board, lots of functions are delegated to the Local Governing Board. Details and details of this can be found in the Scheme of Delegation below.
The role of the governing board is a strategic one with three key functions:
Governors set the aims and objectives for the school. They set the policies and targets for achieving those aims and objectives. They monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making and act as a source of challenge and support to the headteacher. The headteacher is responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of the school and the implementation of the strategic framework established by the governing board.
The Governing Board is also responsible for ensuring that the school meets the required standards for Church Schools, assessed by the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools.
Please do contact me via if you would like further information or have any questions at any point.
I am delighted to confirm the details of the governors in post at the present time below.
Emma Plane
Chair of Governors
Hopton CE Primary Academy
The Local Governing Board
At Hopton Church of England Primary Academy, the members of the Local Governing Board are:
Governor appointed by the DNEAT Trust Board. Term of office until 31/07/2022.
Business interests: Business Manager and Clerk to the Governors at another school. Emma has 1 child in school.
Contact email address:
Governor appointed by the DNEAT Trust Board. Term of office until 31/07/2022.
No business interests.
Governor appointed by the DNEAT Trust Board. Term of office until 31/07/2022.
No business interests. Chris has two children in school.
Governor appointed by the DNEAT Trust Board. Term of office until 31/07/2022.
No business interests.
Governor elected by the parent body. Term of office until 02/10/2022.
No business interests. Serena has two children in school.
Governor elected by the staff body. Term of office until 28/11/2022.
Business interests: employed at the academy
Governor elected by the parent body. Term of office until 02/10/2022.
No business interests. Waheedat has one child in school.
The Local Governing Board meets once per half term. The meeting dates for 2021/22 are:
14th October 2021
9th December 2021
Once formally accepted, the minutes from these meetings will be published below.
The attendance records for governors can also be found below.
Some work of the Local Governing Board is delegated to our committees; Resources, Standards & Curriculum and Ethos & Community. These committees meet termly and report to the Local Governing Board. The Terms of Reference for each committee can be found below.
Resources Committee
Chris Grogan (Chair)
John Waters
Justine Petersen (Clerk)
Standards & Curriculum Committee
Emma Plane (Chair)
Serena Curtis
Waheedat Owodeyi
Justine Petersen (Clerk)
Rosemary Barker (Chair)
Sandra Smith
Diane Moore
Justine Petersen (Clerk)
Some governors also have a specific responsibility
EYFS - Serena Curtis
Headteacher Performance Review - John Waters and Sandra Smith
Health and Safety – John Waters
Pupil Premium / Sports Premium / Catch-up Premium – Chris Grogan
Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) - Rosemary Barker
Religious Education & Collective Worship - Rosemary Barker
Safeguarding & Attendance – Emma Plane
SEND – Serena Curtis
Governors actively seek parents’ views throughout the year through parent questionnaires. In addition to this, any parent can consult the Governors, or put forward ideas for consideration at any time. Please contact us via the school office or directly by email at